Monday, March 26, 2012

Tuesday, March 27

Tonight we will review the material in Unit 5, covering
  1. Which type of doctor you'd go to for different ailments or types of care: foot, back, pregnancy, diabetes, heart trouble, children's care, your teeth, mental disorders, care of the elderly.
  2. Exercises 6 through 10 on page 85.
  3. Exercise F on page 86.
  4. NutritionaI labels on packages of food.
  5. Indirect speech (p. 87).
  6. Exercise E on page 88.
  7. Exercise G on page 89.
  8. Fill out the application on pages 95 and 96.
Items 2 and 6 we will work on as a group.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tuesday, March 6

This week we will work on Lessons 1, Locating Community Resources, and 2, Using the Telephone. For both lessons, we will emphasize student practice.

In Lesson 1, we will have students ask and give directions to locate
  • the local library
  • schools, public and parochial
  • the zoo
  • an art museum
  • a grocery store
  • the swimming pool
  • the DC employment office

In Lesson 2, we will practice asking questions over the telephone. I will try to make up a couple of sets of index cards, questions and answers, with each student drawing one from each deck, and so getting to practice once as customer and once as store or office employee.